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GK type icon Mr.O (Traditional) by wiewior
Reference number
Total distance
625 km
Places visited
14 years ago
Country track

Hi, My name is Mr. O. I was born in the beginning of XXI in Germany. I've still remembered my first trip to Poland to some Polish company as a sample. Together with my friends Ms. A and Mr. L we've traveled two days in comfortable conditions in closed cartoon with soft folia inside. When we arrived to Gdansk (north Poland), we felt as stars. All looked at me, touched and smiled, I felt like in haven. First night in Poland was fantastic, I was dreaming about me in future, me as a star, as a celebrities. Next day nobody came to me. Ms. A and Mr. L moved somewhere. I stayed alone on the shelf. Day by day nobody interested by me. I saw same monotonic picture around. One day after 3 years some man took me and gave new identity. Now, he said, I give you new life, live you never dream about. You will be international traveler, and he put me to place I started. Now I'm dreaming of traveling all over the world. Could you help me my dreams come true. Now my future depends on You! Mr. O

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

13 years ago / filipska

w drOOOOOOgę

10 km
13 years ago / Karolina

Mr.O wraca do lasu :).

14 years ago / Karolina

Znaleziony w zimowych okolicznościach pod grubą warstwą śniegu :).

304 km
14 years ago / szczypior

Mr. O miał "wylądować" gdzieś na Mazurach, ale z przyczyn "technicznych" wrócił do Trójmiejskiego PK

4 km
14 years ago / szczypior
10 km
14 years ago / szczypior
122 km
14 years ago / szczypior
175 km
14 years ago / szczypior
14 years ago / szczypior

Z rąk właściciela w swoją pierwszą podróż :)

0 km
14 years ago / wiewior

Mr. O został przekazany szczypiorowi i rozpoczął podróż