Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon Wodnik Szuwarek (Traditional) by moose - missing
Reference number
Total distance
6714 km
Places visited
15 years ago
Country track
(8) → (4) → (1) → (1) → (4)

Kolega z bajki "Wodnik Szuwarek i jego staw" (Rákosníček a jeho rybník) chciałby odwiedzać miejsca w jakiś sposób związane z wodą...

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

12 years ago / Johphi

Took it with us to Groningen in the Netherlands

23 km
12 years ago / schmaal166

Heute in der "Kautenbachmündung" nah am Wasser abgelegt

Gruß, schmaal166

12 years ago / schmaal166

Heute aus dem Laufelder Kapellchen mitgenommen.

Gruß, schmaal166

349 km
12 years ago / Murphys-Trio

This is the nearest traditional cache on our maar earthcache tour today.

12 years ago / Murphys-Trio

wieder mitgenommen

262 km
12 years ago / Murphys-Trio

Gute Reise

12 years ago / Murphys-Trio

we'll take you with us

422 km
12 years ago / Grimpel

Visitors from Gdansk spring up in droves - welcome to Berlin!

6 km
13 years ago / harpus

Przygotowanie do podróży / Prepare to trip

13 years ago / harpus

płyniemy dalej:D