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GK type icon Grill-Obolus (Traditional) by Muskratmarie - missing
Reference number
Total distance
1588 km
Places visited
13 years ago
Country track
(2) → (8)

I am the currency for Grimpel’s GeoGrilling 2010. I will buy you 2 steaks and half a dozen shrimps, plus a flat rate for all salads, desserts, and beverages. Bon appetit! After that I would like to visit caches that are near good food. Or near my pirate friends. Or just travel around if you can't find any good food or pirates. THANKS! +++++ Ich bin die Währung für Grimpels GeoGrillen 2010. Mit mir bekommt man 2 Steaks, 6 Shrimps, und ein Flat Rate für alle Salate, Nachtisch, und Getränke. Guten Appetit! Danach würde ich gerne Caches nahe gutes Essen besuchen, oder nahe meinen Piraten Freundinnen und Freunden. Ansonsten möchte ich herumreisen. DANKE!

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

4 km
12 years ago / Oscar9999

Zostawiony w ruinach zamku. /Left in the ruins of the castle.

13 years ago / Oscar9999

Dalej pojedzie ze mną. / Continue to go with me.

152 km
13 years ago / Thathanka

Hope to meet many geocachers. :)

13 years ago / Thathanka


417 km
13 years ago / Thathanka


6 km
13 years ago / Grimpel


13 years ago / Grimpel


0 km
13 years ago / Muskratmarie

Hey, Grill Dog, wait for me! I'll join you and hide until everybody's here!

Warte, Grill Dog, ich komme mit und verstecke mich, bis es soweit ist!