
2235 km
(1) → (1) → (11) → (11) → (1) → (18)

This wooden coin is meant to be found by geocachers and then moved along. It is intended for the enjoyment of discovery by all cachers. Please respect the purpose of our smilecoins and keep them moving from cache to cache. Your comment makes me smile, thank you for your log.[:)]

A big thank you for spreading smiles into the world.

Smiling is infectious, You catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin, When he smiled I realised, I’d passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile, Then I realised its worth, A single smile just like mine, Could travel round the earth.

So if you feel a smile begin, Don’t leave it undetected Let’s start an epidemic quick And get the world infected!

Random fact [:)] CITO makes you smile.

A big thank you for geokrety: your free tracking codes makes this smile mission possible.[:)]


キャプション: [Red flag] = 開始 [Yellow flag] = トリップポイント [Green flag] = 最近見た

3年前 / Team Decanor

Wir haben ihn mal mitgenommen

3年前 / jlod

am Masten entdeckt und mitgenommen.

3 km

took it to the cache "S͓̮t̹̭̯͓̝ro̦͉̳͚̠͓͚m̫̣̻̠̭? ?a͍u͓̩̪̻s̫͉fa̠͖̬l͎l̰̜", Munich, Germany

3 km

took it to the cache "Xylophon, Munich, Germany

30 km

took it to the cache "Spaziergang im Waldfriedhof", Munich, Germany

0 km

took it to the cache "Hin und Mit vor Höhenried", Bernried am Starnberger See, Germany

3 km

took it to the cache "Afrika in Oberbayern", Bernried am Starnberger See, Germany

0 km

took it to the cache "Erste Hilfe am Radweg", Tutzing, Germany

2 km

took it to the cache "TutzingCB 23 – Waldstuben", Tutzing, Germany

3 km

took it to the cache "TutzingCB - BONUS", Tutzing, Germany