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Ikona typu GK 356 Speedster (Tradycyjny) by Hein Blöd
Numer identyfikacyjny
Dystans całkowity
850 km
Odwiedzone miejsca
9 lat temu
Odwiedzone kraje
(3) → (5)

Von Cache zu Cache. Bitte den Krety nur mitnehmen wenn der Krety auch geloggt wird. From cache to cache. Please take the Krety only if the Krety will be logged.

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Opis [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = punkty trasy [Green flag] = ostatnio widziany

8 lat temu / Found it in GC4CCQ1

[Geolocation] coords ±901; altitude: null ±null; timestamp: 1456761283579

31 km
8 lat temu / dymliv
135 km
8 lat temu / dymliv

[Geolocation] coords ±126; altitude: null ±null; timestamp: 1445078760926

8 lat temu / Team midtboen
4 km
8 lat temu / FrøkenMeinsta

[Geolocation] coords ±2585.784912109375; altitude: null ±null; timestamp: 1441985416874

60 km
8 lat temu / FrøkenMeinsta

[Geolocation] coords ±2492; altitude: null ±null; timestamp: 1441985496431

544 km
8 lat temu / FrøkenMeinsta


8 lat temu / FrøkenMeinsta

Grabbed it at a Citoevent in Bamble,Norway! will send it on it's way!

76 km
8 lat temu / waldelfe2370

Im Biene maja hotel

0 km
9 lat temu / Hein Blöd

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